“There is a place…”
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
815-963-4815 Emergency: 815-980-8993 EmmanuelLutheranRockford.org
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 920 Third Avenue Rockford, Illinois 61104


This is a sampling of the activities that have happened at Emmanuel, and related events. Enjoy. We will add more as they get created, so come back often.

Please go to EmmanuelLutheranRockford.org to see the videos.

Events 2014

Some of the activities that have happened at Emmanuel in 2014.

On September 20, 2014, members and friends of Emmanuel took part in the 2014 Walk to Defeat ALS.

When the walk was featured on the WREX evening news, there was a very brief shot of Emmanuel member Catherine holding a sign and saying she was walking for member Marianne. Thank you to WREX for allowing us to share this.

Events 2013

Some of the activities that have happened at Emmanuel in 2013.

Events 2012

Some of the activities that have happened at Emmanuel in 2012.

Bishop Hanson for the “It Gets Better” Project

2013 ELCA former Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson made this video for the “It Gets Better” Project promising LGBT youth and young adults that they have a place in the church.