“There is a place…”
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
815-963-4815 Emergency: 815-980-8993 EmmanuelLutheranRockford.org
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 920 Third Avenue Rockford, Illinois 61104

The 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Kudos to any Emmanuel member, friend, or associate who took the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. We're sharing their videos here. Well done everyone.

Some Emmanuel members would rather work up a sweat to help the cause. They are taking part in the 2014 Walk to Defeat ALS.

Sue Takes the Challenge

Our nurse Sue took the Challenge on behalf of several people including Marianne, one of our members, and she challenged Pastor TroyAnn to do it as well.

Karen Takes the Challenge

Emmanuel member Karen took the Challenge on behalf of member Marianne and another friend, and she challenged three others including Emmanuel member Catherine below.

Catherine Takes the Challenge

Emmanuel member Catherine took the Challenge on behalf of member Marianne, and she challenged three other people.