“There is a place…”
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
815-963-4815 Emergency: 815-980-8993 EmmanuelLutheranRockford.org
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 920 Third Avenue Rockford, Illinois 61104

“Be grateful for whomever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” –Rumi, 13th century poet


Emmanuel has many partners that share in our mission. Please visit their websites:

Outside Groups

These outside groups use or rent space at Emmanuel. If you or your organization is interested in renting space, more information can be found on our Rent Space page.

  • Sallyann Roberts, MSW, LCSW, is a clinical social worker in private practice. She sees clients in her office at Emmanuel, an ideal setting for individuals to learn about themselves so that they may come to experience joy and gratitude. Sally believes that each of us has a unique and special gift to offer the world. The journey of our lives is to know and free ourselves to live out of our tremendous giftedness. from the website for more information.
  • Pranayama Yoga Studio (yogarockford.com) – The only Rockford location offering Iyengar Yoga.
  • Claudette Pirrello, Yoga instructions
  • Nia (NiaMow.com) instructor Dee Dee Coogan
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Please contact the church office, 815-963-4815, or send an email to find out more.
  • Donna Ballard, of Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI.org) (LSSI), works with veterans and military families of all ages. Their objective is to help veterans with whatever is needed, for example:
    • Resource to caregivers.
    • Support and fellowship among caregivers.
    • Provide assistance for veterans’ transition home, or to a new facility.
    • Counseling, mental health services, substance abuse
    • Nursing care
    • Provide child care to targeted areas, including pre-deployment, return service, hospital to home care, and continued education.
    • Transportation assistance to medical appointments or other outings.
    • Light meals and snacks.
    • Educational information provided on relevant topics (PTSD, Trauma, brain injury, aging-in-place, forms of dementia)
    These services are offered to military families at no charge regardless of income level. For more information, call Donna at 815-404-3673.